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Is-Sibt, 8 ta’ Awwissu 2009

Noah’s Ark in Munxar

Ittra ta' apprezzament fuq "l-Arka ta' Noè"
I would like to congratulate Fr Tonio Galea, the Munxar parish priest, who, together with numerous volunteers, organised the recent “L-Arka ta’ Noe” activities so well.
These summer activities for students aged from three to 12 years took place daily at the Parish Centre. They were spread out over three weeks (6 to 24 July) and were packed with hands-on activities for all participants. Every single day, after attending Mass, children played games, worked on various handcrafts, watched short mimes that led to lesson learning and a lot more.
The children were taken on cultural outings every week, which included one to Malta, where they took part in water games, ate pizza and had loads of fun.
All the children complained that the time flew by too fast.
This is the second time Fr Galea took the initiative and achieved fantastic success. His effort should be praised, along with the efforts of Veronica, who came from Italy purposely to lend a hand. Also deserving a mention are the contributions of a good number of animators who helped make the activities such a resounding success.
Eugene Bajada

1 comment:

Paul Curmi said...

Ma nistax ma ninghaqadx ma' Eugene u nifrah lill-Kappillan u lill-hafna helpers, adoloxxenti, zghazagh u adulti li mexxew b'tant success din l-inizjattiva. Kienu tlett gimghat li taw hajja mill-isbah lill-parrocca u lill-komunita' taghna. Prosit!!!!